Reactive Audio Patch & Audio Stream Setup With a custom audio patch, coded within the open source environment Puredata, ALL YOUR BASE will be ready to process audio in many ways. Audio files can simply be played back or shaped and mangled with lots of effects in...
Visual Drafts Gallery Sketches like the ones on display in the little .gif gallery below, have been build to experiment with different kinds of visual concepts and processes like particles, chaos, shaders, attractors, game of life. These can be used as starting points...
WebApp MIDI remote controller Based on the previously implemented MQTT broker infrastructure a web MIDI controller was set up and is running as a basic template, ready to be modified for special use cases. Visiting the AYB Web MIDI controller website allows users to...
MQTT broker web connectivity setup Using we set up the core infrastructure for realizing interactive web content. With implemented MQTT brokers, messages (like data, numbers or text) can be sent in realtime from web-browser to web-browser. This means, that...
ALL YOUR BASE online platform setup is registered and the website and hosting infrastructure is set up for further development of the ALL YOUR BASE online platform. next → Back...